Mitchell Elementary School


Please call the office at 623-2828 if your child will not be at school. Please call by 8:30 am.

Shorts are allowed during the months of August, September, April, & May. Please confirm that the weather is appropriate before sending your child to school in shorts.

Please confirm with the office that your address and phone number are correct.

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Special Education Department


       Special Education Website

      The Mitchell Elementary Special Education staff and students are continuing their work on students' individual learning goals. At this time, the Mitchell Elementary Special Education staff consists of Special Services Director Jennifer Splichal and two classroom teachers, Kristin Pankonin and Kylie Soule, along with our paraprofessionals.
      Mitchell Elementary service providers are Michelle Weimer – Physical Therapist, Jamie Selzer – Occupational Therapist and Jean Wegelin – Speech Language Pathologist.

We are looking forward to a fun and exciting year!